A two storey raunchy strip club heavily inspired by the movie Beetlejuice, Dante's is the sex-positive Burning Man theme camp where you can meet frisky furries, sexy critters and freaky animal people of Black Rock City.
Come dance on our elevated brass stripper pole, relax on our giant hammocks, or snuggle up with a furry critter in our cushy climate-controlled cuddle cave! Enjoy the view from our load-bearing second floor balcony, or take a spin on our resident art car - the Venus Raver Trap
Coming back to BitF after a big hiatus
Our first post-pandemic event!
Bigger and better, in the big sound zone
7:30 portal and partying through the rain!
At the 7:30 keyhole this year!
Our first time at Otherworld, we will be back again though!
With two domes and the first setup of the ghetto frontage!
I can't find any photos of it!
Bigger and better, find us at 7:30 portal and A!
Dante's inaugural year on playa at 7:00 and A!
Second build, raised up the backdrop, installed LED lighting and marquee DANTE'S sign
Our first full build of the structure! Got rained out on pack day, but otherwise worked great!
From April until June 2016, Maddie and Lummox built the structure with some help from friends.
Short answer: furries watched too many cartoons as a kid and got a crush on the fox from Robin Hood.
Furries are into anthropomorphic animals, or imaginary animals with human features. For some it's an interest, like comic book or fantasy fans - a chance to express yourself through arts and crafts. For others, it's a sexual thing - hundreds of artists make their living drawing furry porn to cater to every taste. But for everyone in the furry community, it's an inclusive, vibrant and open-minded place for folks from all backgrounds.
If you go to any furry convention you'll find there's two fairly distinct groups - the daytime furs that are into clean writing, gaming, comics, etc. - and the nighttime furs that are all about parties, altered states, sexual/sensual play and other debauchery.
Out of concern for public image, some furry conventions and theme camps have tried to sweep the latter group under the rug and publicly shame those that are into it. We created Dante's as a place for us nighttime furs to proudly share that community with the playa, with an unapologetically raunchy, sex-positive strip club!
If you'd like to help out in any way or have any questions, feel free to drop us a line at